4 Reasons You Should Hire an Interior Designer
Time to remodel? Building a new home? In either scenario hiring an interior designer can be extraordinarily beneficial and we’ve got 4 reasons why.
1. Trust the Trained Eye
Most clients prefer to be involved in the process of designing and decorating their space, and understandably so. Interior design is a form of art. It’s subjective. And moreover, it’s very personal. A designer understands this, but has also has specialized background that enables them to drill down into the necessary details and intricacies of the design process. There are many elements to consider with interior design. For example scale, light, and space are key elements to be taken into account with any job. Their talent, knowledge, and expertise enable them to see the big picture and ultimately create a space you’ll love.
2. They Get to Know YOU to Determine Your Needs & Wants
Many of us kinda love the idea of a personal stylist and shopper, don’t we? Someone who simply ‘gets you’ so well that they can pick out the perfect outfit for you to wear, everyday! Well think of the interior designer as the personal shopper and stylist you’ve hired to outfit your home – because that’s exactly what they do.
Getting to know the client on a deeper level to understand their aesthetic needs and desires for any given project is an imperative part of the interior design process. It’s part of their job to get to know YOU. They know which questions to ask along the way to effectively guide the project from inception to completion. Do you love books? Do you own a special collection of art? Do you have family heirlooms & antiques that must be on display in your home? The answer to these (and many other) questions help to determine what your personal sense of style is, how you live, and how these elements can play into the overall composition of the design and decor.
3. Saving Time & Streamlining Decisions
Many don’t realize it, but the design process can be quite overwhelming. As with anything else, practice makes perfect and interior designers have made designing their practice. They posses the unique sensibility to properly narrow down choices based on what they’ve learned about you. The statement “the devil is in the details” rings true in design. Even the simplest of designs can be deceiving – guaranteed a great deal of thought and work went into the process of creating it.
There are so many beautiful elements to choose from – colors, fabrics, furniture, light fixtures, the list goes on and on.
Entrusting a designer to handle the details, streamline the decisions, and ultimately present you with the right options helps to take the unnecessary guesswork off your shoulders. While you’ll still be involved in the overall decision making, let’s face it, you’re busy – hiring an interior designer saves you time!
4. Adhering to a Budget
We’re all guilty of getting little ‘spend happy’ and accidentally going over budget. While this can certainly happen with interior decorating (depending on your tastes and desires) your designer can help you stick to your budget, without sacrificing style or quality.
They can help you to determine which elements are worth spending a little more, or even a little less, money on to make the most effective use of your dollars. This can be a huge help as interior designers are trained experts on how and where to shop. They know where to look for all the pieces of the decorative puzzle and will do their level best to adhere to the budget and keep things on track.
Good, quality design is clearly recognizable and long lasting. Hiring an interior designer is a smart and collaborative choice that can save you valuable time, and even make the process more fun for you. The end result will ultimately be all that you dreamed of… and perhaps even so much more!
Smith Brothers is a unique team of construction craftsmen, architects, and interior designers. Since 1978, we stress the absolute highest levels of quality, performance, value and service in each and every project. Our award-winning design ideas, expertise, and collective experience allow us to provide the very best in what we do. For more information please contact us at 877-230-0333, (+01) 858-350-1445, or info@smithbrothersconstruction.com.