Kitchen Design
It’s the most used room in the house. And the most expensive. With the best lighting. And the most design time behind it.
Everyone knows that during a party you can put the nachos, salsa, and margaritas in the living room, but nothing short of an oven fire is going to drive people from the kitchen.
Even when guests are gone, today’s kitchens are more than just a place to cook. The room is like command central. Chances are it’s the only place where family members meet before blasting off to their busy lives for the day or coming back to earth at the end of a tiring one. Often there is a place to sit and eat, an office area for paying bills, and different counter heights for a variety of tasks.
Planning a kitchen is about a lot more than just deciding that the stove goes here and the refrigerator goes there. There are traffic patterns to consider, room proximities to keep in mind, and, probably, an island to navigate. Design choices also include deciding on materials and fixtures, etc. etc.
So please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with planning your kitchen.